About Global Halal Malaysia Traders and Consumer Association
- Facilitate the development of Halal Industry locally and international
- Opportunity for income generation in imposing Halal for product and services
- Standardize the policy, standards and Guidelines in producing Halal goods and services
- To create investment opportunity for industry players
- To ensure the integrity of Halal Supply Chain
- To create awareness to people on the importance of Halal Certificate
- To expand the roles, expertise and knowledge of Saudi Food & Drug Authority
- To create network between other Halal Certification Bodies all over the world
Besides servicing industry establishments, our clients include government agencies and international organization .Our focused portfolio and team of experienced professionals deliver for our clients not only their targeted business objectives, but also ensures that our client organization attains the needed skills and competencies to sustain their operational effectiveness and achieve efficient succession planning.
In expanding our network and potential, we are also working on providing a platform for Halal trading facilities, organizing Halal event and participating in the development of Halal Standards, SOPs, Guidelines, Research and Development in implementing a complete Halal Ecosystem.

Towards making our organization as International Halal Development Company, we empower our team who involved in Halal Industry for more than 10 years. Our experts covered from government agencies and industry itself and successfully developed 200 halal professionals as halal trainers and auditors and 300 halal executives under professional development program.
Our Organization also developed and implement elective courses (Introduction to halal food & principles of halal food management) to undergraduate students in local universities. We also successfully managed and execute consultancy imitative through various engaging & coaching program. Successfully consulted 300 SME’s nationwide that are certified ready company and certified halal company. Experienced in conducting pre-audit on halal certification for 5-star hotel’s kitchen, food manufacturer and logistic services provider.

Chairman, Global Halal Malaysia Traders and Consumer Association
Prof. Dr. Malik is a prominent Corporate Personality cum Academician who obtained his Doctorate
in Philosophy Majoring in Strategic Marketing (Halal Industry Development) from the Central State
University of New York. In June 2013, he was awarded Professorship By The Asian Institute of